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New "Dual" Duelund DCA16GA Tinned-Copper Wire Available at Dealers!

12-12-2019 | By Jeff Day |

I got a heads up from Frederik at Duelund Coherent Audio today that the new 'Dual' Duelund DCA16GA tinned-copper wire will be available at Hi-fi Collective (UK) and Parts Connexion (North America) starting tomorrow. 

The new 'Dual' DCA16GA tinned-copper wire has two of the regular baked oil-soaked cotton dielectric DCA16GA wires wrapped in an additional outer baked oil-soaked cotton casing (below), making it particularly nice for making interconnects with a tidy appearance.

Duelund "Dual" DCA16GA tinned-copper wire with dual DCA16GA conductors in a single baked oil-soaked cotton casing.

I believe that the pricing is going to be $20.95 USD per meter for the new Duelund Dual DCA16GA tinned-copper wire at Parts ConneXion (I'll confirm with Parts ConneXion when their listing goes live).

So that means for $41.90 USD you can build a pair of the interconnects, and all you need to do is add your favorite RCA plugs. 

Duelund Dual DCA16GA interconnect photo courtesy of Duelund Coherent Audio.

For example, if you use the Duelund Gold RCA's, they're $55.95 USD a pair at Parts ConneXion, so you could build a pair of the one meter Duelund Dual DCA16GA interconnects pictured above for $153.80, using the Dual DCA16GA wire and Duelund Gold RCA's.

That's a really good value for this level of performance.

Duelund plastic-free RCA DCA16GA interconnects.

If you want to bump performance up even further you could build your Duelund Dual DCA16GA interconnects using the new Duelund plastic-free RCA's that I wrote about HERE, which have become my favorites.

Parts ConneXion doesn't have the new plastic-free Duelund RCA's listed yet, but HiFi Collective does, and they priced at £50.00 each. They are spendy, but they sound great.

So that means you could build a pair of one-meter interconnects like I wrote about at the link for about $264.15 USD for four Duelund plastic-free RCA's, and $41.90 USD for the Duelund Dual DCA16GA wire, for a grand total of $306.o5 USD. Not a bad price for such a terrific interconnect.

I really like the new Duelund Dual DCA16GA, it makes for an interconnect with a really clean appearance.

Duelund Dual DCA16GA interconnect, photo courtesy of Duelund Coherent Audio.

I'll be writing a follow-up post on the new Duelund plastic-free RCA's with the Duelund Dual DCA16GA tinned-copper wire interconnects as time allows - it's been incredibly busy lately so I'm running a bit late on my "to do" list!

The new 600V version of the DCA16GA Sn-Cu wire!

Speaking of my "to do" list, I've been wanting to make up a pair of speaker cables using the new 600V version of the DCA16GA Sn-Cu wire and tell you how it compares to the original baked oil-soaked cotton DCA16GA as speaker cables on my "Stokowski" Altec's.

The true intent of the 600V DCA16GA (or DCA20GA) wire is for use in the internal wiring of components where you are using higher voltages. When you take a look inside vintage components, like my vintage McIntosh components, for example, they are wired internally with tinned-copper hookup wire, and that contributes to their performance and voicing in a good way.

So while the 600V DCA16GA tinned-copper wire is really intended as internal hookup wire, the most direct way for me to get an idea of its musical & sonic performance is to compare it to the original baked oil-soaked cotton dielectric DCA16GA as speaker cables on my "Stokowski" Altec's.

I hope to get to that before too much longer.

As always, thanks for stopping by, and may the tone be with you!

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